Great news! Auxilia is delighted to announce the release of the first Python implementation 🐍 of the DICOS (Digital Imaging and Communication in Security) interface!
Just as DICOM revolutionized the field of medicine 🩻 DICOS aims to do the same for the safety industry 👮. It is a standardized platform for the exchange and management of security image data. The standard is defined by NEMA and implemented by Stratovan in collaboration with TSA.
Our library is a python wrapper of Stratovan's C++ implementation using pybind11.
At the heart of any data-driven field, including safety, is the need for efficient data manipulation and suitable 🛠️ tools for analysis. Our library fills a crucial gap, providing developers with the building blocks needed to exploit DICOS data in Python.
The way is open for :
Feel free to check out our github and send us your feedback, suggestions and even implementations!